Please Check Back As We Continue Updating Our Schedule for the 2024 Season.
May 11th and 12th - Inter Colonial Wars: French and Indian War Weekend. Fort at No 4. Charlestown, NH. Come and shop the Golden Scissors sutlery.
July 13th and 14th - 18th Century Caps & Bonnets Workshop. Fort at No 4. Charlestown, NH. 9:30am - 3:30pm both days. For more information and to register please follow this link.
July 20th - Military Service Day, Patton Homestead Hamilton, MA. Learn about the role of US Navy WAVES and other women during WWII.
July 27th - "Gown in a Day" special program, Fort at No 4. Charlestown, NH. Come and learn about 18th century sewing techniques and watch as a mid century gown is constructed. Program included with admission to the Fort at No. 4
September 21st and 22nd - Return to No. 4: Revolutionary War Weekend. Fort at No 4. Charlestown, NH. Come and shop the Golden Scissors sutlery.
September 27th, 28th and 29th - 18th Century English Stomacher Front Gown Workshop, Workshop Location Col. Paul Wentworth House, Rollinsford, NH. For more information and to register, please follow this link.
October 5th and 6th - Out of Time Timeline, Fort at No 4. Charlestown, NH. Visit the a Fort and see a variety of living history impressions from different time periods.
November 9th and 10th - "Gown in a Day" special program, Historic Deerfield, Deerfield, Mass. Come and learn about 18th century sewing techniques and watch as a mid century gown is constructed. Program included with admission to Historic Deerfield.
Looking for a special program/demonstration for your museum or living history site? Gown in a day, women's trades, 18th century material culture, etc. Let us tailor something to your needs. Please contact us to discuss possibilities.